Tuesday 17 June 2014

The technical language of explanations

Today, during writing we practised defining the technical terms in Explanations. This was the model we used...

Term: microwave oven
Meaning: a household appliance used for cooking food
Features: has a turntable, digital display, found in the kitchen
Example: fan-forced microwave
Explanatory Sentence: A microwave oven is a household appliance that cooks food and is usually found in the kitchen. An example is a fan-forced microwave.

These are our versions, using our own examples. What do you notice about the explanatory sentence?


  1. Great work Middle S! I like the way you have set out your writing so that it gives information clearly.
    Well done
    Christina (Jenny's Mum)


Our Term 3 Learning about Australian History

Name Reflection on the learning of history this term and our presentations today Tara This morning in Middle S ...