Friday 25 October 2013

Genius Hour

Two weeks ago, Middle S started a new project: Genius Hour. Based on the concept of "20% time" (a google innovation), students are provided with an hour a week to learn about the things they are most passionate about. The idea is that this time improves students engagement and productivity.
Some students are designing and creating experiments or games, some are researching topics they are interested in. No matter what they are learning about and becoming genius' in, they are all expected to reflect on, record and share their learning - with the class and also with YOU.

On that topic, what do you like learning about the most??

Will getting feedback about his video game.
Making a volcano.

Monday 14 October 2013

Our wonderings about science and inventions

This term, the Middles are venturing into the world of Science and design of Inventions and Innovations. Middle S discussed what they think Science is and how it helps the world and then they brainstormed questions they had, which are on the "Linoit" below.
To see all the 'post-its' click and the drag the linoit screen.

Can you answer any of Middle S' questions?
Are there any questions you would like Middle S to investigate?

Our Term 3 Learning about Australian History

Name Reflection on the learning of history this term and our presentations today Tara This morning in Middle S ...